Long Post About Many Different Things
I guess not a lot of people were in the office yesterday - not that surprising. The roads around my office are just awful - just as bad, if not worse, than the roads around my house. This is including the main roads too and I-90 near Issaquah. I met my vanpool people this morning and things were actually going smoothly once we got onto the freeway until we got close to Issaquah, then people were sliding a bit and coming almost to a complete stop. The road that we turn on to get to my office - just completely covered in ice. It was bad. We're expecting more snow tonight too - hopefully, not a recreation of what happened Monday night when some friends took somewhere between 4-6 hours to get home (and they weren't going too far either).
Oh, and on a sweet note. A coworker of mine who used to hold the position I also used to hold (that probably is confusing) before we both were promoted apparently came by yesterday when I wasn't here to tell me congratulations. I'm not sure who he heard the news from - I only thought maybe 3 people up on the 3rd floor (the legal department is all split up) knew the news - but he heard that we are pregnant and expecting twins. Anyway, the sweet thing is that I e-mailed him this morning when I found out he was down here yesterday and he said he wanted to congratulate us on the great news and to give me a big hug. He said that he is very excited for us. I kinda hinted a while back with him that we were having problems and seeking medical help - that was maybe 2 years ago - I haven't talked to him about it since. Anyway, it was sweet.
As for pregnancy symptoms, I'm feeling some serious nausea lately. Yesterday morning, I was just innocently brushing my teeth when I started to gag and well, that gagging led to vomiting. Yuck. I hate to brush my teeth these days. I really hate to floss them. And the nausea stays with me all day long. It is a weird feeling to feel hungry and nauseous all at the same time - just like I feel extremely tired, then wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep.
That's all for today.