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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Today's Thoughts

I’m looking forward to the time that I actually feel like I’m pregnant. I kinda feel like it in the mornings – when I get up and my breasts are sore and feel heavy, but that feeling goes away when I’ve been up for a while. They still feel sensitive, but not sore.

I talked the nurse yesterday afternoon (in my vanpool because that’s when she called me back) about the whole constipation issue, and she suggested some things I already knew like whole grains, veggies, fruit, etc., but she also said apple juice might help too. So I’m seeing if the frosted mini wheats, the banana, the sandwich with whole wheat bread, and the apple juice will help. I hope so. Otherwise, she suggested that I try Metamucil. I hope everything else works. The thought of Metamucil makes me feel icky.

I had a couple other people in my department come up to me and say congratulations. I really expected to be telling everyone in a much different way. I had this whole big idea in my head how I was going to tell family and friends, but that all changed when I started with the blog. I didn’t know I would be telling people this early, but after (nearly) 5 years of trying, I doubt I would have been able to hold it in that long. I still haven’t told my vanpool though I had a good opening yesterday. Someone asked me if I was going to watch Lost, and I said, I’m way too tired. I doubt I’ll be able to stay awake. I could have continued to explain why, but I didn’t. I fell asleep on my couch at 7 and woke up again at 8:20 when Tyra was being annoying on the TV on America’s Next Top Model.

I kinda wish I had done the 2nd beta today. Oh well. And I almost bought a pregnancy test last night, but I didn’t. I wasn’t sure if I should spend my money on something just so I can see it say “pregnant” or give me double lines or whatever the specific test says. But I think I will sometime this weekend.



  • At 11:33 AM , Blogger Debbi said...

    Heather i'm SO VERY excited for you! What great news!! I can't wait to hear your doubling number!!

  • At 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My constipation remedy: Fiber One for breakfast, a prescription pre-natal vitamin with a stool softener, and a glass of prune juice at night when I take my meds. It's working great for me now!

    Congrats to you!

  • At 4:11 PM , Blogger KeDaCoMo said...

    Okay I figure it out....see?

    So I like raisin bran personally! I have never been fond of prune juice!!

  • At 6:39 PM , Blogger Nickie said...

    my acupuncturist has me taking psyllium husks capsule (whole foods/PCC will have them) with additional water. works wonders and is very natural.

    the other things work great too, but this is another option. The bananas aren't a great idea too often though, they can be binding. My son had some severe constipation and they recommended steering clear of bananas, rice, applesauce, cheese in excesses. These are all great foods, btw, if you have the opposite problem.

    go get a digital test, there's just nothing like see that word pop up. It only stays on there for about an hour though, so be sure to take a picture of it.

  • At 4:59 AM , Blogger TeamWinks said...

    I don't think I could resist taking the pregnancy test! After speding tons of money on negatives, I want just one that says positive!


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