Just a Few Random Things...
1 - The ride into work today. Not fun. I rode in the vanpool today, and, of course, the talk turned to vanpool girl's pregnancy and where she would have the baby. I had my iPod turned on, but I still hear it. It's like the try to talk as loud as they can. All I have to say is that I hope I get pregnant soon so I don't go deaf from having my iPod that loud.
2 - Today is Resolve's advocacy day. I can't wait to hear how it all went!
3 - I really appreciate the support that I get from all of you here in blogland and from my support group. I just don't know what I would do without all of you. I just don't feel like I'm getting the support I need from my friends. I don't know if they just don't know what to say and just don't want to say the wrong thing (which I can't blame them for feeling that way because we all know people can say some rather offensive or ignorant things) or they just don't want to hear about my infertility anymore. I think it's the latter because they used to say something. Perhaps, they think I whine too much or perhaps they ignore me, as someone said on one blog, because I've become a burden on them. However, it would be nice if they acknowledged it - especially when I say I'm upset (like yesterday). I don't know. It's just the way I feel right now. I guess I just wish, for once, someone I know outside blogland would ask how I'm doing with everything.
4 - And now for something not related to infertility - my current pet peeve - people who can't seem to use their signals. Am I supposed to read their minds on what they want to do?