Today, the babies turned 3 months! And tomorrow, I turn 34. I hope the babies give me a nice birthday present tomorrow - a nice mellow day would be nice. Today, was just challenging. We didn't end up going to the day care. I'm going to go next week with Jon and then possibly another day on my own or with Jon's mom. The next couple days, I already have plans so I can't go this week. Tomorrow, is just a walk around Greenlake with a support group friend but I can only handle one outing in a day with the babies (and I think that's all they can handle too). On Friday, we're going to a childbirth class friend's house for a tea get-together.
Anyway, the babies just seemed all sorts of cranky today. I never did get around to taking their picture for their baby book - oh well, 3 months and one day pictures will work just fine. We did end up going on a walk around our neighborhood and then we went to drop off the rental breast pump at a place over by Ballard High School. We got back and apparently, that was just too much because they were really cranky after that. I don't think I sat down for 3 hours as I was holding at least one baby the entire time and I had to stand - sitting wasn't o.k.. My back is in desperate need of the massage that I still need to make an appointment for.
On the plus side, last night, Ella slept from about 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.!!!! Benjamin woke up somewhere around 3 or 4 for a feeding - so just the one time! I like those kind of nights! I need more of those - I'm so exhausted.
As you can see from the videos, the babies are talking away. So cute!!! One of these days, I'll get a video of them smiling up at me - those smiles just melt your heart!
In other news, this past weekend, we went to a dinner at a support group friend's house for a support group reunion. It was so wonderful to see all of these ladies at the same time and with their hubbies and babies. We got a picture of all of us holding our babies - and surprisingly enough, Benjamin was fussy and each picture pretty much shows him crying so hard. Poor little guy! Once the pictures were done, he quieted down - perhaps he wasn't in the mood for picture time.
I miss these ladies so much - I hope that we are able to get together on a more regular basis than what we have been, but with babies and going back to work, that may be a little hard. I go back to work on the 24th and I'm starting to have work anxiety dreams and day care anxiety dreams. My work dream consisted of me not remembering how to do my job even though it's only been a little over 4 months. My day care dream consisted of me not trusting that the day care person knew how to take care of my babies. Part of me wishes I could stay home with them, but I am really ready to go back to work. I'd love it if I could just go back to work part time, but that just isn't a possibility for many different reasons.
Well, that's all for now. I was going to write a letter to each baby each month (got the idea from a fellow blogger) , but not tonight. Hopefully, I'll have time to do that tomorrow. I doubt I will though. :-(
Labels: Twins