Desperately Seeking Baby...Babies Found

My thoughts on raising twins and a singleton after infertility.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


How did it get to be over a month since I last posted? I used to be such a good blogger. I was so much better at it after the twins. I'm not even a good blog reader anymore. I'm sure people have written lots that I haven't seen yet - including my own husband.

Well, now, Nicholas is 7 months old. He is a little chatterbox sometimes - including at 3 a.m. as he was last night as we changed a stinky diaper. He will say dada as well as mooommmmmm - I'm not sure if he knows what those mean, but he is saying those sounds. However, he did say "mommmmm" one day and reached toward me, so maybe he does know that means me. He also says other sounds too.

He is doing a little army crawl, as well as a crawl that involves one foot - a little 3 legged crawl - sort of. He is eating all sorts of solid foods - veggies and fruits. He has slept through the night only a handful of times - I hope he gets better at it soon. I'm tired.

As for the twins, they are acting like 2 year olds. Ella really, really likes to be more independent and pick out her own clothes and not have a lid on her sippy cup, but when it comes to potty training - she has only done that a few times. I think last night I might have gotten to her to realize a little bit that going in the potty will help it so she doesn't have a sore bottom. Hopefully, that works - diapers are expensive for 3 kids.

Benjamin & Ella both like to be the teacher. Ella taught Benjamin how to jump and climb up certain playground equipment, while Benjamin teaches Ella how to put a puzzle together (though sometimes Ella doesn't want to be the student and will yell at Benjamin). Ella also likes to teach Nicholas - telling him that Jon is papa and also lifting up her foot and say "baby, this a foot, a foot, baby!" She still calls him baby or baby guy or baby dude. Benjamin will say Nicholas (Nichas).

One day we went to church and they had a bouncy house for the kids. Ella wasn't sure about it at first and sat inside the house while everyone jumped around her, but she eventually starting jumping along with the other kids. Benjamin definitely wasn't sure about it and observed from my lap on the lawn. When Jon came out from helping clean up, he decided to go in there and Ella told him what to do and he started having fun. They really liked it - I'm thinking their 3rd birthday should be at a bouncy place.

This weekend, Nicholas and I are going to do the Heart Walk - I hope the weather cooperates for us! Also, this past weekend I was a seller in the local multiples group's sale and made a bit of money. I didn't sell everything though. I'll probably participate again at the next sale. As a seller, you get to buy stuff first, so that was really helpful as I got some Halloween costumes and a single jogging stroller that I'll be using this weekend. The twins would not stay in their stroller the whole time, so it is just going to be me and Nicholas.

I started a book club and we have had one meeting so far - I think it's going to be fun! I can't think of anything else going on right now.

Well, I'll write again here again soon as I'm involved in a book club online this month so I'll be writing about that soon.