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Monday, July 31, 2006

CD24 and WTH?

So today is CD24. My temps have been all over the place, but nothing above 98.0 since right before AF showed up. So it would seem that no ovulation has taken place. I keep meaning to go to the drugstore and purchase some of the sticks to use with my OPK but I keep forgetting to! And I'm not sure I should start using them now or not. Should I just wait until my next cycle to use them?

So because this cycle looks like it will be a long one, it will be a while before I can go in to get those tests done to apply for the shared risk program. More waiting! That seems like all we do while going through infertility!

My husband and I talked about it and we are most likely going to apply for the program within the next few months, so we might as well get the testing done so as soon as we can. Of course, I am very much not looking forward to the HSG. We are also considering cancelling the other appointment with the other clinic. If we qualify for shared risk, that determines which clinic we will go to. If, for some reason, we don't qualify for the program, then we can go to the other clinic to discuss with them their IVF program. What do you guys think?

Anyway, I am really anxious to get to the first IVF cycle. I am feeling really hopeful about IVF working for us, so I want to get going on that!

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  • At 6:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm sorry to hear this cycle is looking like such a long one. If you haven't seen a temp spike yet, might not hurt to use a few OPKs.
    I hope you can get moving forward soon.

  • At 7:07 PM , Blogger noela said...

    The waiting around in limbo is the worst, isn't it?!?! I hate that part. Not having a 'written in stone' plan, and all that.

    I feel for ya babe!! :/

    Hope things improve for you soon, and that you can start a plan of action very soon as well!

  • At 5:55 AM , Blogger x said...

    I think your plan sounds good. Wait to see if you qualify for shared risk and if not, talk to the third clinic. I am sorry you have to go for another HSG. The extra testing doesn't make this any easier.

  • At 7:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Even with long cycles, I prefer OPKs to temping. I just can't stand starting off my day with the beep-beep of the thermometer and staring at a number that affects my mood for the entire day. You can use over-the-counter OPKs from different boxes/batches, but if you're talking about fertility monitor sticks, I think you'd have to wait until next cycle.

    Sounds like a good plan with the clinics. Good luck!

  • At 5:57 PM , Blogger Mary Ellen and Steve said...

    The waiting sucks doesn't it?

    I am sorry that this cycle is turning out to be a long one. I hope that things start going forward for you very soon.


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