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Monday, June 19, 2006

One More Day of Clomid, One Day Closer to Repronex

To answer Alli's question from my last post, I start the Repronex tomorrow and continue that for 3 days. Then I have the ultrasound on Saturday to see if the Clomid and the Repronex worked - particularly on the left side. All I could think of this morning if that if this doesn't work, I know we should move onto IVF and I'm honestly scared to. I don't have the money right now to do that and I know that when I do, I'll probably have enough for just one shot and if that doesn't work...

On a slightly different note, I'm afraid that my hearing is going to become nonexistent because of how high the volume is on my iPod. This morning, before I could get my iPod out and the wires untangled, I heard the following exchange...

Pregnant girl to another vanpool person who hasn't been in the van in a while: "You haven't been in the van a while. Why?"

Other vanpool person: "I haven't been sleeping well. My sleep apnea and the other medical issue have been bothering me, so I've been coming into work later."

Pregnant girl: "I never knew how hard it was to work until I wasn't getting enough sleep. I just can't get comfortable with this pregnancy."

Other vanpool person: "Poor baby."

Me (in my head while this is going on): UGH!!! Stupid wires - get untangled already. Aah, there. Poor baby! What about me? I'm waking up about every hour or so because I'm either burning up so I need to take all the covers off of me or I'm freezing because I took all the covers off of me when I was burning up. I haven't got a good night's sleep in several days now.

Me - right now: I know that being pregnant can sometimes, or a lot of the times, be uncomfortable, but at this point in my life, I can't have sympathy. Maybe I will when I'm pregnant, but right now,I have no sympathy when I have to go through all of this crap to get pregnant in the first place.

Maybe I should take Sunnie up on her offer*! ;-D

* Please note that I'm kidding and I do not wish harm on anyone.

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  • At 5:27 PM , Blogger Family Ties said...

    lol! You know you have to put that disclaimer down...the internets are watching...

    *disclaimer* Sunnie does not wish to harm anyone either....but if it happens :) lol

  • At 8:31 AM , Blogger x said...

    Those damn wires, they get tangled so easily! Would it be rude to get in the van with them already on?

  • At 8:56 AM , Blogger seattlegal said...

    I should probably do that - I just don't think about it as I'm listening to the radio in my car until the van shows up. Perhaps tomorrow I will try to remember to do that. :-D


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