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Friday, February 20, 2009

38 Week OB Appointment

Today, I went to the appointment on my own since Jon has a big work thing that started yesterday.

I show up there and they weigh me (all I can say is, yes, I know I'm pregnant, but it is still hard to see the number on that scale - it looks like I've gained about 30 pounds now). Then after that, is the usual checking of the blood pressure. It's a little high. I told the nurse that my feet and hands seemed to have gotten worse with swelling since last week so she says that the OB will probably test me for preeclampsia.

Then the OB comes in after a while and does the exam. I am a little more effaced and now 1 cm dilated. Slowly, but surely, getting there. That exam hurt a lot - I can only imagine how labor will be. She tells me that if I am showing signs of preeclampsia, I'll need to stop working today. Either way, I will need to take it easy this weekend and next week until I see them again. She tells me to lie down for a bit and the nurse will come back in to check my blood pressure again.

After a little while, she does and it is still a little high so they test my blood. I got the results about 3 hours later and they came back normal, thank goodness! I wasn't ready quite yet to stop working - there are a few things I need to finish up as best I can. I tried to get a lot done today just in case.

Anyway, so I'll see the OB again next Friday assuming nothing happens before then. Next Friday is my last day at work. Just 5 more days.



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