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Monday, November 03, 2008

Quick Pregnancy Update

Last night, I was feeling the baby move around a lot. At one point, it seemed we had a bit of a game going on in which I pushed down a bit and the baby responded. Of course, the baby would stop when Jon was around so Jon didn't get to feel the baby move.

Also last night, Ella was being a fussy little girl and would not go to sleep. I knew she was tired as she didn't have a decent nap all day yesterday. After screaming for about 3-4 minutes, she fell asleep, but woke up again about 1/2 hour later. I went to go get her and brought her out to the livingroom with me as I watched SNL. She fell asleep in my arms right away - she just needed a snuggle, I guess. As I held her to my chest, the baby was moving around so much I thought for sure it would wake up the sleepy Ella in my arms, but nope.

Anyway, that's it for now. Looking at a minivan tonight - I don't wanna, especially since I'm going on my own. We're trading in our Civic for a minivan. I looked at one on Saturday, but it had too much mileage on it for my comfort. The one I'm seeing tonight has only has 22,000 miles on it.



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