Thoughts about the shots
Each night after I give myself the Lupron shot, I'm proud that I could do it and think "yay, I did it". Then I somehow forget that I still have to give myself a shot the next night, and the night after that, and so on and so on. I feel like I just accomplished defeating the big bad scary thing. Can't I just get some big reward of no shots for awhile?
I'm so looking forward to next Saturday when I will have 3 shots to give myself. It shall be a blast...(a lot of sarcasm went into those last two statements).
(Oh, by the way, my skin itches each and every time after I give myself a shot - so itchy!)
I'm so looking forward to next Saturday when I will have 3 shots to give myself. It shall be a blast...(a lot of sarcasm went into those last two statements).
(Oh, by the way, my skin itches each and every time after I give myself a shot - so itchy!)
At 10:08 AM , Nickie said...
you're doing great! try not to think about all the shots to come, but realize that it gets easier each time. By the time you get to PIO, you're going to be a pro! With DS, I had GD so I was on 3 insulin injections/day from 27 wks on. Talk about getting tired of injections! At least the needles are small.
At 2:39 PM , Lollipop Goldstein said...
It's so hard. For some reason, the first injections are easier than the later ones. I think at first there is a level of excitement with the unknown that guide you through. But after one or two, you know too much. There have been many times that I've paused with the needle hovering, unable to make myself do it. Give yourself all the time you need :-)
At 3:22 PM , Hopeful Mother said...
In IVF, every battle won is a victory! Every night of shots is one less night of shots in the grand scheme of things. I get great pleasure from checking things off my calendar.
You will be a pro and it will just be another thing to get done, soon.
At 4:16 PM , Mary Ellen and Steve said...
Just take it one day at a time and one shot at a time. I used to reward myself with truffles after each shot. You're doing awesome. Hang in there. Big hug.
At 10:01 AM , Debbi said...
It can be so draining -- all the injections. And you're so right about the itching! Glad to see your cycle is off the ground. I hope it's your last cycle and this time next year, you're biggest worry is diaper blowouts.
At 1:53 PM , beagle said...
Hang in there . . . you're doing great!
At 6:49 PM , TeamWinks said...
Well, I would give you three gold stars for your expert injections! Job well done!
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