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Monday, August 11, 2008

Park Weekend

We had mostly a good weekend. We started out the weekend by going to Matthews Beach on Saturday in the little window of sunshine that we had that day. I think the kids had a good time there. Jon took them on a walk (they were in a stroller) and I stayed behind to read my book. Though we invited others, it turned out to be a family picnic.

I was a little anxious to even leave the house that day because I was feeling what felt like contractions – my tummy kept tightening. It was freaking me out. They stopped for a while, but were on and off all day. Trying not to pick up your toddler when they say “momma” to you and holding up their arms for you to pick them up is hard, but Jon felt I shouldn’t pick them up so my body would calm down on the contractions (or whatever they were). I think they were brought on lack of sleep and stress the previous night. Ella was fussy so we brought her to our bed and she has a cold now, so her breathing isn’t the best. I was just really nervous about her breathing so I didn’t sleep too well.

Anyway, when we got back home, it was starting to rain and Ella wanted to go outside. She would just get so mad that she couldn’t go outside, but it was raining pretty good for a while. Ella gets very angry when she doesn’t get her way. Benjamin is so much more mellow.

The next day, we were meeting with my support group at Magnuson Park. Thankfully, the day wasn’t too bad – it was actually quite pleasant. It was soooo wonderful to see these ladies again and with their children. Not all of us were there, unfortunately, but one of the newest (and last) graduates came by with her 3 week old daughter. It was so great to see her after so long. The last time I saw her was late November 2006. I could just tell how happy she was to be with the group again because she’s a mother now (note, we didn’t keep her away because she wasn’t, but those who have been through infertility know that it was her choice). Anyway, Magnuson Park has a nice playground – we’ll have to go back there again soon.

Oh, and Saturday night, Benjamin woke up screaming and yelling momma. His eyes were open, but he just wasn’t responding to us at all. He looked at me as if he didn’t even know I was there. After about 10 minutes of screaming, he made this shivering movement and was calm and definitely asleep. I felt so completely helpless. There was nothing I could do to console him. I looked up night terrors and I think that’s what he had. It turns out they can be brought on by lack of sleep and staying up late. They didn’t get good naps on Saturday and he stayed up maybe ½ hour later than normal.

Well, that’s about it for now.

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  • At 5:31 PM , Blogger Alli and Frankie said...

    Poor little guy! That's sad about the possible night terror. That must have really scared you guys!

    I miss the NW. It's 106 here today. *sigh*


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