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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Just a tiny bit freaking out...

So Fertility Friend says that I ovulated on Monday - which makes me a bit nervous since we did the IUI on Tuesday. I even asked my doctor about the fact that my temperature went from 97.5 on Monday to 98.2 on Tuesday, but seemed to think that the IUI could still work. I'm not so sure. I really don't have much hope for this IUI working. I'll be completely shocked if it does.


  • At 6:50 PM , Blogger x said...

    go back to the song, those lyrics are great. I'll hold out hope for you. Let's hope fertility friend is wrong, it never seems to actually help anybody get pg so who knows?
    Don't let fertilty friend get you down, the 2ww is bad enough already. Wishing you all the best!

  • At 8:16 AM , Blogger beagle said...

    Fertility friend never matched up on medicated cycles, for me anyway. So let's hope that dear old FF is wrong!

    Good Luck! Hoping you get a nice surprise!

  • At 3:55 PM , Blogger YouGuysKnow said...

    hmmm. well, you can have measured hope. temps are a good indicator but not always to be trusted. for example, right now i am on the 2nd day of my period and my temps have never gone down! so who the hell knows. also, gotta figure... the IUI squishes the spermies further up there, you know? they don't have to swim all the way from the vag. so even if you had ovulated, perhaps it was perfect timing for them to meet in the tube as planned!

    OMG the word verify is hilarious:


    up with birth! you betcha!


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